Sunday, 1 November 2015

Scary Halloween From Sonic Field

I am a very lucky person! My piece of music 'Fever' was plaid at a a Danish Halloween event for thousands of people to hear.

Many, many thanks to Henrik Graham who, most politely, asked permission to use my piece Fever for the music for a presentation at Halloween in Måløv which is a Danish halloween festival help at a park in Måløv Denmark.

There is the rather excited email I received from Henrik last night (the night of halloween).

" Hi Alexander Just want to drop you a note thanking you for the opportunity to share your music with 5.000 guest at Halloween in Måløv. It created an awesome ‘sound-installation’ in the park. Everyone I talked to thought it was spot on and provided the experience of parading through the park a new spooky dimension.

I’ll let you know once the pictures of the 2015 event is posted on the website: TV2 (one of 2 major Danish broadcasting companies) visited and made a TV spot that was broadcasts yesterday – you can actually hear your music at the beginning and at the very end of the clip 43-45 sec. just before the end at 45 sec. See and listen here:

If you interested in the parade here is the link to the programme: The PA was setup to cover post 24 to 32. Below I’ve marked the PA setup with red dots app. 4kw Turbosound setup.

The blue dots maks the route through the park.
In a sec I’ll be emailing the organizer asking them to pay tribute to you by posting a thank you note on their website. Would you like anything special or will something like “Thank you to Dr. Alexander J Turner…” do? All the Best Henrik Graham "

Here is Fever on youtube:

Also see see it and music I have made on my 'Greatest Hits' page (note the irony).

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