Saturday, 29 December 2012


Follow is a processor for following the volume envelope of a signal.

(?signal,50,50)Follow !envelope

In the above example, an envelope is created using a rise (attack) and fall (release) time of 50 milliseconds. The first number is the rise and the second the fall.

An envelope is a signal which moves between 0 (for silence) and X (the loudest part of the incoming signal).

One issue with envelopes is that they should not be normalised because their common mode of operation is for the entire envelope to be above zero. The following patch sets an envelope to be between 0 and 1.

((1,?envelope MaxValue)/,>envelope)DirectMix !envelope

Please note that the above will fail if the envelope is silence.

Dividing a signal by its envelope will compress the volume range.

Multiplying a signal by its envelope will expand the volume range.

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Vocoder Fun

Ether uses a complex vocoder to perform some interesting effects mixing generative a performed music.

Music and technology have always gone hand in hand. We think of technology in music as related to electronic and computational music; however, if we consider, just for a moment, the technology behind the valves in a trumpet or the wood in a violin we can start to see that music and technology are like a hand in a glove. Sonic Field is both a synthesis engine and an audio processor. In Ether, it is acting as a bit of both. I took audio recorded as the output from an outboard processor chain starting with Garage Band (of all things) doing a piano type sound. The sound from Garage Band is nothing special, but it was pretty heavily processed before I captured it with the USB audio interface and recorded it in Audacity.

Garage Band --- EQ --- Reverb --- Compressor --- USB Digitiser --- WAV File
WAV File --- 256 Envelope Followers --- Generative Engine[256 Signal Generators]
--- Reverberation --- WAV File
WAV File --- Valve emulation --- Compression --- Valve Emulation --- Wave File

In the middle step the vocoder part (in red and underlined) is the separation of the signal into 256 frequency specific envelopes using envelope followers and resonant filters. The the generative engine alters the parameters by which the signal generators form new sounds from the envelopes. The metallic other worldly sound of the output from the vocoder is achieved by frequency modulating each of the sin waves used to recreate the audio. This moves the signal in and out of harmonic match with the original.

The challenge from the point of view of Sonic Field was memory. The 256 separate components of the system simply exhausted the existing ways in which Sonic Field could manage its storage. It now has a fully automatic swap system which stores audio in memory as a high speed cache but moves it to disk storage as needed to prevent running out of memory in the JVM. This replaces the partly manual system it had before.

Here is the end result on Youtube And Sound-cloud:

Here is the vocoder patch:

"temp/input.wav" ReadFile ^signal1 ^signal2
)Mix !signal

?signal Length !length
(?length,0.5)* !offset
1.025 !step
  256 !bands
   25 !pitch
bunch !m-channels
            ("Scanning channel ",?pitch)Println
            (?signal,?pitch,0.1,18)RBJPeaking    !signal
            (?signal,?pitch,0.1,18)RBJPeaking    !signal
            (?signal,?pitch,0.1,18)RBJPeaking    !chan-sig
            (?pitch period,10)/                 !p
                (?chan-sig,?p,?p)Follow pcnt+50,
                (>chan-sig,?p,?p)Follow pcnt+50
            )Mix   dbs+6 WaveLimit               !chan-sig
        }Do !job
        (>job,>m-channels)AddEnd                 !m-channels
        (>pitch,?step)* !pitch

bunch !final
1 !swap
0 !position
-10 !shifter
 -5 !shifter-shift
        ("***** Encoding ", ?x," Shift is ",?shifter,"*****")Println
        (25,?shifter)+ !pitch-in
           {-5 !shifter-shift},
        )Choose Invoke
           { 5 !shifter-shift},
        )Choose Invoke
        (>shifter,?shifter-shift)+ !shifter
                   0 !swap
                   1 !swap
        )Choose Invoke
            1 Silence !output-l !output-r
            [25 !pitch-in]
            1 Silence !output
            1 !c
                    ?pitch-in !pitch 
                    (>c,1)+ !c
                                )SinWave pcnt+1
                        )Multiply !signal
                    )Mix !output
                    >output RemoveDc RoundOff !output Length !len
                    (>output,(?pitch,2)*,4)ButterworthLowPass !output
                        ((0,?swap),(?len,(1,?swap)-))NumericShape !shape
                        )Mix RemoveDc
                    }Do !output-l
                        ((0,(1,?swap)-),(?len,?swap))NumericShape !shape                
                        )Mix RemoveDc
                    }Do !output-r
                    >output-l Done !output-l
                    >output-r Done !output-r
                    (>pitch-in,?step)* !pitch-in                              
            [ The left and right record ready for splitting and
              sending to MixAt
        }Do !job            
        )AddEnd !final
        (>position,?offset)+ !position

bunch !final-l !final-r
        ^l ^r
        (>l,>final-l)AddEnd !final-l
        (>r,>final-r)AddEnd !final-r
>final-l MixAt normalise !left
>final-r MixAt normalise !right 


    ("Resonant Filtering")Println
    (?signal,64,64)Follow Normalise           !shape
    ((1,>shape)DirectMix,0.5)Power            !shape
    (>shape,15000)NumericVolume               !cut
    (?signal length WhiteNoise,1,2)RBJLowPass !q
    (?q,1,2)RBJLowPass Normalise    pcnt+75   !q
    (?signal,>cut,>q)ShapedLadderLowPass      !new
    (>new pcnt+75,>signal pcnt+25)Mix Normalise
>left  !signal ?res-filter Do !left
>right !signal ?res-filter Do !right
>left  Done !left
>right Done !right
(>left, 3000,2,12)RBJPeaking !left
(>right,3000,2,12)RBJPeaking !right

[ A very desnse reflector
  Which splits the reflected wave form into smaller chunkcs
  reflects them and then recombines the results. This is
  very parallel.
        (?sample,1000,5)ButterworthLowPass   !sampleL
        (?sample,3000,2)ButterworthLowPass   !sampleN
        (?sample,1000,4)ButterworthHighPass  !sampleH
        (>sampleH ,5000,2)ButterworthLowPass  !sampleH
        (?sample,((?first ,?offset)+ Prime Silence,(?sample,-13)Volume)Concatenate)Mix    !wet
                "." Print
                (>first,1.05)* Prime !first
                (>wet ,(((?first,30)-,?offset)- Silence,(?sampleL ,(-10,?z)-)Volume)Concatenate)Mix    !wet
                (>wet ,(((?first,30)+,?offset)- Silence,(?sampleN ,(-6, ?z)-)Volume)Concatenate)Mix    !wet
                (>wet ,((?first      ,?offset)- Silence,(?sampleH ,(-10,?z)-)Volume)Concatenate)Mix    !wet
        (?sampleL ,1000,1)ButterworthLowPass  !sampleL
        (?sampleN ,1000,1)ButterworthLowPass  !sampleN
        (?sampleH ,2000,1)ButterworthLowPass  !sampleH
            ((?wet  Length,3)/,1),
            (?wet   Length,0)
        )NumericShape !env
                (?z,4)/ !z
                (>first,1.1)* Prime !first
                (>wet ,(((?first,30)-,?offset)- Silence,((?sampleL ,(-7,?z)-)Volume,?env)Multiply)Concatenate)Mix  !wet
                (>wet ,(((?first,30)+,?offset)- Silence,((?sampleN ,(-4,?z)-)Volume,?env)Multiply)Concatenate)Mix  !wet
                (>wet ,((?first      ,?offset)- Silence,((?sampleH ,(-7,?z)-)Volume,?env)Multiply)Concatenate)Mix  !wet
        0.99 !l
                "." Print
                (?z,6)/ !z
                (>first,1.025)* Prime !first
                (>wet ,(((?first,30)-,?offset)- Silence,(((?sampleL ,(-7,?z)-)Volume,?env)Multiply,500,2)ButterworthLowPass)Concatenate)Mix  !wet
                (>wet ,(((?first,30)+,?offset)- Silence,(((?sampleN ,(-4,?z)-)Volume,?env)Multiply,500,2)ButterworthLowPass)Concatenate)Mix  !wet
                (>wet ,((?first      ,?offset)- Silence,(((?sampleH ,(-7,?z)-)Volume,?env)Multiply,500,2)ButterworthLowPass)Concatenate)Mix  !wet
    } !reflector
    bunch !dos
            ^signal ^time
            "" Println
            ("Reverb at: ",?time)Println
            (?signal,>signal Length Silence)Concatenate !sample
            ?reflector Do !sample
            ((>sample,?time),>dos)AddEnd  !dos
    bunch !results
            ^signal ^time
            ((>signal Done,?time),>results)AddEnd  !results

    >results MixAt Normalise    

  80 !first
  30 !offset
5000 !reflect-length
>left  !sample
?do-reflector Do !left
>right !sample
?do-reflector Do !right
(>left  Done,25,1)RBJHighPass Normalise !left
(>right Done,25,1)RBJHighPass Normalise !right

(>left  ,25,1)RBJHighPass Normalise !left
(>right ,25,1)RBJHighPass Normalise !right

        (1000 Silence,>left  Normalise )Concatenate,
        (1000 Silence,>right Normalise)Concatenate

Here is the valve compressor patch:

"temp/input.wav" ReadFile ^left ^right

(>left ,10000,3)ButterworthLowPass !left
(>right,10000,3)ButterworthLowPass !right

        )WaveShaper pcnt+25,
        >signal pcnt+75
    )Mix Normalise !signal
        {(?signal Reverse,1,50)Follow Reverse},
        {(?signal        ,1,50)Follow}
    )DoAll Mix !shape   
        {(?signal Normalise,25,25)Follow},
        {(?signal Normalise Reverse,25,25)Follow Reverse}
    )DoAll Mix !shape
    (?shape,(1,?shape MaxValue)/)NumericVolume !shape
    (0.05,>shape dbs+6)DirectMix               !shape
    )Divide Normalise !signal 

    (?signal ,200,2000,4)BesselBandPass !signal-m 
    (?signal     ,2000,4)BesselHighPass !signal-h 
    (?signal     , 200,4)BesselLowPass  !signal-l 
    >signal-m !signal
    ?envelope-compress Invoke
    >signal !signal-m
    >signal-h !signal
    ?envelope-compress Invoke
    >signal !signal-h
    >signal-l !signal
    ?envelope-compress Invoke
    >signal !signal-l
        (30 Silence,(>signal-l dbs+3 WaveLimit,200,6)BesselLowPass)Concatenate pcnt+50,
        (>signal-m dbs+3 WaveLimit,2000,6)BesselLowPass pcnt+30,
        >signal-h  dbs+3 WaveLimit pcnt+20
    )Mix Normalise 
>left  !signal
?do-it Do !left
>right !signal
?do-it Do !right
((>left Done,>right Done),"temp/done.wav")WriteFile32

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Sonic Field On Sound Cloud

Here are some Sound Cloud tracks created by Sonic Field (newest at top):

Friday, 7 December 2012

New Version Of Sonic Field: 0.2.1

Here is the latest drop:

I have expedited this this minor number release to make the new dynamic range compression patches I have been talking about recently available to everyone. The front page of has been amended so the download link points to the new version.

Version 0.2.1

This version (0.2.1) of Sonic Field has many enhancements including but not limited to:
1)  Wave limiting and wave maximizing
2)  Automatic reading in a swapped out signals
3)  Enhanced granular system with bounded random grain size
4)  Performance enhancements in the Do engine
5)  Performance enhancements in the parallelisation drier
6)  More accurate line number reporting in errors
7)  Many minor tweaks
8)  Addition of youtube-voice.sfp single task sfp file
9)  Performance counters are working again
10) Work on granular compression in revoice patchs.

Previous version (0.2) of Sonic Field has many enhancements including but not limited to:
1)  Granular synthesis
2)  RBJ IIR Filers (high,low,high-shelf,low-shelf,peaking)
3)  Cleaner implementation of resonance synthesis
4)  Better error handling - fix the line number bug
5)  System hang on error in paralleliser bug fixed
6)  Envelope follower.
7)  Fix to numerous bugs in shaped filters
8)  Addition of shaped butterworth and bessel bandpass filters
9)  Improved FM signal modulation and addition of fm signal generator
10) Addition of shaped power

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Compression-102: Loudness Wars And Extreme Compression

Compression 102, how do we  boost loudness via dynamic range compression to catch people's attention. 

This is not about making audio sound better; it is about making it sound more striking. It is about capturing people's attention and hooking them into a radio program, or the background in a music store. It is about making sales of music, or in advert breaks. This is a fascinating area, though it is important to realise that we are not attempting to make stuff sound better in a classic sense, just louder.

Here is the video - I have put the compression patch used at the bottom of this post:

Remember! This code is AGPL 3.0

"temp/step-1.wav" ReadFile ^left ^right
        (?signal Reverse,1,50)Follow Reverse,
        (?signal        ,1,50)Follow,
    )Mix !shape    
    (?shape,(2,?shape MaxValue)/)NumericVolume   !shape
    (0.04,>shape)DirectMix Clip                  !shape
    (>signal,?shape)Multiply Normalise           !signal
        (?signal Normalise,25,25)Follow,
        (?signal Normalise Reverse,25,25)Follow Reverse,
    )Mix !shape
    (?shape,(1,?shape MaxValue)/)NumericVolume !shape
    (0.3,>shape dbs+24)DirectMix               !shape
    )Divide Normalise !signal 

(?left ,2000,6)BesselHighPass         !signal-h 
(?left ,2000,6)BesselLowPass          !signal 
(>signal,150,1,3)RBJPeaking           !signal
?envelope-compress Invoke
    (30 Silence,(>signal dbs+6 WaveLimit,2000,6)BesselLowPass)Concatenate,
    >signal-h dbs+6 WaveLimit 
)Mix Normalise dbs+3 WaveLimit !left-new

(?right,2000,6)BesselHighPass         !signal-h 
(?right,2000,6)BesselLowPass          !signal 
(>signal,150,1,3)RBJPeaking           !signal
?envelope-compress Invoke
    (30 Silence,(>signal dbs+6 WaveLimit,2000,6)BesselLowPass)Concatenate,
    >signal-h dbs+6 WaveLimit
)Mix Normalise  dbs+3 WaveLimit !right-new


Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Compression 101

I have recently put up a video introducing the basics of audio compression (dynamic range compression) for voice:

The patch used in this video is this one (remember AGPL):

2 SetSwapLimit
"temp/input.wav" ReadFile ^signal
?signal !orig

[Low peak cut]
(?signal,150,3)ButterworthLowPass  !lower
(?signal,150,3)ButterworthHighPass !upper
(>lower,60,2)ButterworthHighPass   !lower
(?lower Normalise,100,100)Follow           !shape
(?shape,(1,?shape MaxValue)/)NumericVolume !shape
(0.1,>shape dbs+48)DirectMix               !shape
)Divide !lower

)Mix  Normalise !signal

[ De-ess ]
(?signal,4000,5)ButterworthLowPass  !lower
(?signal,4000,5)ButterworthHighPass !upper
(?upper Normalise,100,100)Follow           !shape
(?shape,(1,?shape MaxValue)/)NumericVolume !shape
(0.1,>shape dbs+48)DirectMix               !shape
)Divide !upper

    >upper dbs+3
)Mix  Normalise !signal

        (?signal Reverse,1,50)Follow Reverse,
        (?signal        ,1,50)Follow,
    )Mix !shape    
    (?shape,(2,?shape MaxValue)/)NumericVolume   !shape
    (0.04,>shape)DirectMix Clip                  !shape
    (>signal,?shape)Multiply Normalise           !signal
        (?signal Normalise,25,25)Follow,
        (?signal Normalise Reverse,25,25)Follow Reverse,
    )Mix !shape
    (?shape,(1,?shape MaxValue)/)NumericVolume !shape
    (0.3,>shape dbs+24)DirectMix               !shape
    )Divide Normalise !signal 

    (?signal,50,10)Granulate !grains
    Bunch !output
            ^grain ^time
                (?time,(?time,?grain length)+,?signal)Cut !sample
                (?grain Rectify MaxValue !v,?gate-point)Gt,
                            (>grain,(?slam-point,?v)/)NumericVolume !grain
                            [ Do nothing ]
                    )Choose Invoke
                    (>grain,(1,(?gate-point,?v)/)/)NumericVolume !grain
            )Choose Invoke
            ((>grain swapout,>time),>output)AddEnd !output
    >output MixAt Normalise !signal
    0.02 !gate-point
    0.50 !slam-point
    [ Do in pairs to avoid running out of memory ]
        )DoAll Mix Swapout,
        )DoAll Mix Swapout,
        )DoAll Mix Swapout,
        )DoAll Mix Swapout,
    )Mix Normalise !signal

?envelope-compress Invoke

[ Reverb ]
(15 Silence,?signal)Concatenate !note-left
?signal                         !note-right

(>note-left ,1000,0.25)RBJLowPass !note-left
(>note-right,1000,0.25)RBJLowPass !note-right
                {((30,(?t,(24,?outer)*)*)+ Prime Silence,?note-left )Concatenate} Do !nlTask
                {((45,(?t,(15,?outer)*)*)+ Prime Silence,?note-right)Concatenate} Do !nrTask
                {((>nlTask Done, -15)Volume,(700,(?t,3)*)-,1)ButterworthLowPass}  Do  !nlTask
                {((>nrTask Done, -15)Volume,(700,(?t,3)*)-,1)ButterworthLowPass}  Do  !nrTask
                {(>nlTask Done, ?note-left )Mix Normalise}                        Do !nlTask 
                {(>nrTask Done, ?note-right)Mix Normalise}                        Do !nrTask
                ?nlTask Done !note-left
                ?nrTask Done !note-right
    >note-left dbs-12,
)Mix Normalise !left
    >note-right dbs-12,
)Mix Normalise !right

(>left ,3000,2,6)RBJPeaking  Normalise   !left
(>right,3000,2,6)RBJPeaking  Normalise   !right
(>left, 150,2,12)RBJPeaking  Normalise  !left
(>right,150,2,12)RBJPeaking  Normalise  !right
>left  !signal ?granular-compress Invoke
>signal dbs+6 WaveLimit !left
>right !signal ?granular-compress Invoke
>signal dbs+6 WaveLimit !right


Friday, 30 November 2012

Speaking Voice Processing

Sonic Field started life as an audio processing project - back to its roots!

The following script uses envelope followers to remove background rumble from the recording without taking out the lows from the voice. It also has a de-esser which is much the same thing but for high frequencies. Some light reverb is use via a very simple algorithm which folds the signal back on its self. This reverb' is seeded using a bit of Haas effect form the mono code.

The script also does some gating to remove noise between the words and compression of the over all signal to make the volume even through out. It does have a nasty habit of not catching very short audio spikes which end up left in the signal. I need to figure out how to fix this, but it is so rare that a manual tweak in Audacity does the trick.

(>left, 150,2,12)RBJPeaking  Normalise  !left
(>right,150,2,12)RBJPeaking  Normalise  !right

The above filters then make the voice sound deeper. The values would need tweaking for a female voice.

Here is a video where I used the script to process my voice:

Here is the script:
"temp/input.wav" ReadFile ^signal
?signal !orig

[Low peak cut]
(?signal,150,3)ButterworthLowPass  !lower
(?signal,150,3)ButterworthHighPass !upper
(>lower,60,2)ButterworthHighPass   !lower
(?lower Normalise,100,100)Follow           !shape
(?shape,(1,?shape MaxValue)/)NumericVolume !shape
(0.1,>shape dbs+48)DirectMix               !shape
)Divide !lower

)Mix  Normalise !signal

[ De-ess ]
(?signal,4000,5)ButterworthLowPass  !lower
(?signal,4000,5)ButterworthHighPass !upper
(?upper Normalise,100,100)Follow           !shape
(?shape,(1,?shape MaxValue)/)NumericVolume !shape
(0.1,>shape dbs+48)DirectMix               !shape
)Divide !upper

    >upper dbs+3
)Mix  Normalise !signal

    (?signal Reverse,1,50)Follow Reverse,
    (?signal        ,1,50)Follow,
)Mix !shape    
(?shape,(2,?shape MaxValue)/)NumericVolume   !shape
(0.04,>shape)DirectMix Clip                  !shape
(>signal,?shape)Multiply Normalise           !signal

    (?signal Normalise,25,25)Follow,
    (?signal Normalise Reverse,25,25)Follow Reverse,
)Mix !shape
(?shape,(1,?shape MaxValue)/)NumericVolume !shape
(0.3,>shape dbs+24)DirectMix               !shape
)Divide Normalise !signal 

[ Reverb ]
(15 Silence,?signal)Concatenate !note-left
?signal                         !note-right

(>note-left ,1000,0.25)RBJLowPass !note-left
(>note-right,1000,0.25)RBJLowPass !note-right
                {((30,(?t,(24,?outer)*)*)+ Prime Silence,?note-left )Concatenate} Do !nlTask
                {((45,(?t,(15,?outer)*)*)+ Prime Silence,?note-right)Concatenate} Do !nrTask
                {((>nlTask Done, -15)Volume,(700,(?t,3)*)-,1)ButterworthLowPass}  Do  !nlTask
                {((>nrTask Done, -15)Volume,(700,(?t,3)*)-,1)ButterworthLowPass}  Do  !nrTask
                {(>nlTask Done, ?note-left )Mix Normalise}                        Do !nlTask 
                {(>nrTask Done, ?note-right)Mix Normalise}                        Do !nrTask
                ?nlTask Done !note-left
                ?nrTask Done !note-right
    >note-left dbs-20,
)Mix Normalise !left
    >note-right dbs-20,
)Mix Normalise !right

(>left ,3000,2,6)RBJPeaking Normalise   !left
(>right,3000,2,6)RBJPeaking Normalise   !right
(>left, 150,2,12)RBJPeaking  Normalise  !left
(>right,150,2,12)RBJPeaking  Normalise  !right


Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Working With The Sonic Field Console

Having A Console Makes A Huge Difference To Productivity And Creativity

Up until now the productivity of Sonic Field has been severely limited by the need to re-run a patch every time it is edited; this make playing around with sound a very slow process indeed. The addition of the Console processor opens up a whole new arena of rapid sound development from Sonic Field. It also opens up lots of possibilities for fun.

The implementation of Console at the time of writing this is about as simple as it is possible to be. In agile style, I got something working and will use it to find out ways to improve it.

How It Works
At any point in a patch the Processor Console can be used. This will start interacting with the console. It simply reads from Standard Input. This works OK with the Eclipse console which Sonic Field gets when run under Eclipse. The console accepts lines of input. If a line consist of just:
then the console processor stops and the next processor in the patch is run.

The Console accumulates a patch. Each line of input is added to the patch. When an line consisting of :
and nothing else is entered, the current accumulated patch is parsed and run. This allows for complex patches to be either typed or pasted into the console window and then run. The patch runs in the context (same store values) as the patch which contained the original Console processor. However, there is a difference.

When a patch launched from the command line (or Eclipse) causes an error Sonic Field shuts down. Patches entered in the Console to not cause Sonic Field to shut down in this way. If you make a mistake in the Console Sonic Field will tell you something about the mistake and then just start reading from Standard Input again.

One Small Issue:
At the time of writing there is a slight issue in that if there is a layout problem with code inside a code block which is entered into the Console Sonic Field gets the code block tracking system a bif stuffed up. If, after a patch layout problem, you keep getting 'unmatched brace' errors, then enter

An Example:
Below is a slightly abridged example form the Eclipse console of me working on a bass/rhythm line in Sonic Field

SFPL: [3]1 >> Sonic Field Thread Factory:
SFPL: [3]1 >> ---------------------------
SFPL: [3]1 >> Found CPUs: 8
SFPL: [3]1 >> Initial Max Threads: 16
Parsing: scripts/play/FastBass.sfpl size: 866
SFPL: [532]1 >> Sonic Field Version 0.2 Starting Processing
SFPL: [532]1 >> ============================================
?play invoke
)NumericShape !qEnv
?play invoke
((?bt,4)*,?pitch)SinWave MakeSawTooth dbs+3 Saturate Normalise !signal
(?qEnv,4)DirectRelength !qsEnv
(?qsEnv,?qsEnv,?qsEnv,?qsEnv,?qsEnv)Concatenate !qsEnv
(0,?signal Length,>qsEnv)Cut !qsEnv
(?pitchEnv,4)DirectRelength !psEnv
(?psEnv,?psEnv,?psEnv,?psEnv,?psEnv)Concatenate !psEnv
(0,?signal Length,>psEnv)Cut !psEnv
(>signal,?psEnv,?qsEnv)ShapedLadderLowPass Normalise !signal
>signal Normalise !signal
(>signal,2)Power Normalise !signal
(>signal,?pitch,1,24)RBJPeaking Normalise !signal Monitor
?play invoke
"A2" Note !pitch
?play invoke
com.nerdscentral.sfpl.SFPL_RuntimeException: Runtime Exception at key word Invoke
operand: '109.99999987361397'
at line: 0, colum 30 in Console
at com.nerdscentral.sfpl.SFPL_Runner.Invoke(
at com.nerdscentral.sfpl.SFPL_Runner.Invoke(
at com.nerdscentral.sfpl.SFPL_Runner.Invoke(
at com.nerdscentral.sfpl.RenderRunnerImp.runParser(
at com.nerdscentral.sfpl.RenderRunnerImp.render(
at com.nerdscentral.sfpl.RenderRunner.main(
Caused by: com.nerdscentral.sfpl.SFPL_RuntimeException: Failed to resolve type: class java.lang.Double
at com.nerdscentral.sfpl.Caster.describeSFPLType(
at com.nerdscentral.sfpl.Caster.throwConversion(
at com.nerdscentral.sfpl.Caster.makeBunch(
at com.nerdscentral.sfpl.SFPL_Parser$cInvoke.Interpret(
at com.nerdscentral.sfpl.SFPL_Runner.Invoke(
... 6 more
"A2" Note !pitch

?play println
?play println
?play invoke
((?bt,4)*,?pitch)SinWave MakeSawTooth dbs+3 Saturate Normalise !signal
(?qEnv,4)DirectRelength !qsEnv
(?qsEnv,?qsEnv,?qsEnv,?qsEnv,?qsEnv)Concatenate !qsEnv
(0,?signal Length,>qsEnv)Cut !qsEnv
(?pitchEnv,4)DirectRelength !psEnv
(?psEnv,?psEnv,?psEnv,?psEnv,?psEnv)Concatenate !psEnv
(0,?signal Length,>psEnv)Cut !psEnv
(>signal,?psEnv,?qsEnv)ShapedLadderLowPass Normalise !signal
>signal Normalise !signal
(>signal,2)Power Normalise !signal
(>signal,?pitch,1,24)RBJPeaking Normalise dbs+3 Saturate Normalise !signal
?bt WhiteNoise MakeTriangle Normalise !signalb
)Concatenate !signal Monitor
?play invoke

?play invoke

((?bt,4)*,?pitch)SinWave MakeSawTooth dbs+3 Saturate Normalise !signal
(?qEnv,4)DirectRelength !qsEnv
(?qsEnv,?qsEnv,?qsEnv,?qsEnv,?qsEnv)Concatenate !qsEnv
(0,?signal Length,>qsEnv)Cut !qsEnv
(?pitchEnv,4)DirectRelength !psEnv
(?psEnv,?psEnv,?psEnv,?psEnv,?psEnv)Concatenate !psEnv
(0,?signal Length,>psEnv)Cut !psEnv
(>signal,?psEnv,?qsEnv)ShapedLadderLowPass Normalise !signal
>signal Normalise !signal
(>signal,2)Power Normalise !signal
?bt WhiteNoise MakeSawTooth !signalb
(?signalb,(?pitch,4)*,24,1.5)RBJLowShelf !signalb
((0,0),(100,1),(?signalb Length,0))NumericShape,
)Multiply Normalise !signalb
)Concatenate !signal
(>signal,?pitch,1,24)RBJPeaking Normalise dbs+3 Saturate Normalise !signal Monitor
?play invoke

((?bt,4)*,?pitch)SinWave MakeSawTooth dbs+3 Saturate Normalise !signal
(?qEnv,4)DirectRelength !qsEnv
(?qsEnv,?qsEnv,?qsEnv,?qsEnv,?qsEnv)Concatenate !qsEnv
(0,?signal Length,>qsEnv)Cut !qsEnv
(?pitchEnv,4)DirectRelength !psEnv
(?psEnv,?psEnv,?psEnv,?psEnv,?psEnv)Concatenate !psEnv
(0,?signal Length,>psEnv)Cut !psEnv
(>signal,?psEnv,?qsEnv)ShapedLadderLowPass Normalise !signal
>signal Normalise !signal
(>signal,2)Power Normalise !signal
?bt WhiteNoise MakeSawTooth !signalb
(?signalb,(?pitch,4)*,1.5,24)RBJLowShelf !signalb
((0,0),(100,1),(?signalb Length,0))NumericShape,
)Multiply Normalise !signalb
)Concatenate !signal
(>signal,?pitch,1,24)RBJPeaking Normalise dbs+3 Saturate Normalise !signal Monitor
?play invoke
((?bt,4)*,?pitch)SinWave MakeSawTooth dbs+3 Saturate Normalise !signal
(?qEnv,4)DirectRelength !qsEnv
(?qsEnv,?qsEnv,?qsEnv,?qsEnv,?qsEnv)Concatenate !qsEnv
(0,?signal Length,>qsEnv)Cut !qsEnv
(?pitchEnv,4)DirectRelength !psEnv
(?psEnv,?psEnv,?psEnv,?psEnv,?psEnv)Concatenate !psEnv
(0,?signal Length,>psEnv)Cut !psEnv
(>signal,?psEnv,?qsEnv)ShapedLadderLowPass Normalise !signal
>signal Normalise !signal
(>signal,2)Power Normalise !signal
?bt WhiteNoise MakeSawTooth !signalb
(?signalb,(?pitch,2)*,1.5,24)RBJLowShelf !signalb
((0,0),(100,1),(?signalb Length,0))NumericShape,
)Multiply Normalise !signalb
>signal,>signalb dbs+12
)Concatenate !signal
(>signal,?pitch,1,24)RBJPeaking Normalise dbs+3 Saturate Normalise !signal Monitor
?play invoke
?signal monitor