Saturday 7 December 2013

Where Is Sonic Field

I have been remiss in not posting at all for months.

Sonic Field is live and kicking. I did not bother renewing the website for it as the traffic was so woefully light. However, the project lives and the source is backed up into Google's Drive system.

Progress over the last few months:

1) The memory manager is working very much better indeed now and I found a near perfect set of GC settings to that Sonic Field no longer swaps out data which is about to be garbage collected anyway. I guess it still does this a bit - but nothing like as much as it did.

2) Better memory management has caused me to be able to go back to double precision mathematics throughout.

3) 2 was very important for the next big improvement which is the addition of a FFT engine. Now, I promised to never put FFT in Sonic Field because so many of the effects produced in the frequency domain are so artificial sounding; the whole thing of FFT processing breaks the analogue synth' model of Sonic Field. However, there are some effects which are just impractical in the time domain; most important of these is convolution. I have a granular convolution reverb system running now and it brings Sonic Field's reverbs up to leaders in the field for the first time.

4) More music: Now I am working only one contract (I had a time working 2 and that was exhausting) I am putting more time into composing. I also indulged in rendering someone else's music. That is not something I normally like to do any more. In this case, I did it as a challenge to learn more about how to handle classical music in Sonic Field and how to render string sounds better. The result is on youtube:

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